edited by Hátle F. - update 30/JAN/25



The research group Chromed (Chromatography method development / Chromatography for medicine) has continued the research of Associate Professor RNDr. Dagmar Solichová, Ph.D., who worked in the 3rd internal gerontometabolic clinic of the University Hospital Hradec Králové. In addition to the research she worked on, Assoc. Prof. started a tradition of training doctoral students with a focus on the development of new chromatographic methodologies for clinical practice, as well as supervising graduate students and students on internships from foreign universities.  

For more information about Assoc. Prof. click on the photo or the name.

The main goal was to collaborate with physicians of the University Hospital Hradec Králové and support them in clinical research. 

Associate Professor Solichová was in her time at the top of the University Hospital Hradec Králové publication ranking and managed to obtain a number of medical research projects. She has educated a total of 7 Ph.D. students currently working in the same field and has supervised more than 20 graduate students, rigorosants and students from foreign institutions.

One of the mentioned students was also Associate Professor RNDr. Lenka Kujovská Krčmová, Ph.D., who took over the leadership of the group after Assoc. Prof. Solichová has retired. At that time, the laboratory was also reclassified under the Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Diagnostics and the name Chromed was established. 

Assoc. Prof. is currently following in the footsteps of Assoc. Prof. Solichová at the tradition of educating young scientists. A total of 6 Ph.D. students have already successfully completed their studies under her guidance and 3 are studying full-time.

All members of Chromed team will continue to work on the development of new modern methodologies for the determination of biologically active substances, which will be used especially by physicians of University Hospital Hradec Králové for their research studies.


Chromatograph PERKIN ELMER

Chromatography Method Development
 Bioanalytical Research

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